Proximity Series

InfiniTube™ Standard

Video/Machine Vision Microscopes

Magnification for Video Imaging!

  • C-mount (CS-mount w/5mm optional spacer)
  • Covers 2/3-in. and Smaller Sensors
  • Internal Focusing (up to 50% more than FM-Series)
  • Adapts to Most Major-brand Infinity-corrected Objectives Including Achrovid™, Mitutoyo and Nikon
  • Available in Dual-port and 90-degree Versions
  • Optional Large Coaxial Illuminator w/Matched Collectors
  • Full Line of Accessories to Expand Capabilities
InfintiTube Standard Series

InfiniTube Standard

Size: 1 MB   Updated: 09/17/2021
• Optical Data
• Magnification Tables
• Instruction Manual
Size: 135 KB   Updated: 10/01/2024
• Price List

InfiniTube Standard

The InfiniTube Standard is a 200mm optic that, combined with infinity-corrected microscope objectives, provides superb image quality at high magnifications. The latest model has Internal Focusing Capability and Video Port Camera lock. The InfiniTube Standard is color-corrected for use with infinity-corrected objectives obtainable from Infinity Photo-Optical Company (IF-Series, LWD-Series and Achrovid) as well as those offered by Mitutoyo, Olympus and Nikon. In particular, the InfiniTube Standard couples to our Coaxial Illuminator, providing self-condensed illumination of highly reflective, flat objects. The InfiniTube Standard is a cost-effective way to solve high-magnification imaging problems.

Special versions are available for specific use with Zeiss ICS objectives. Most InfiniTubes can be specially ordered for Near Infrared (NIR) applications.  (Please contact us for pricing information)

InfiniTube Standard with Iris Diaphragm

All InfiniTube Standard-series optics (with the exception of the DP model) are supplied with a 12mm spacer which can be exchanged (or originally ordered) with a variable Iris Diaphragm to alter and control /depth of field and/or light throughput when IF-series Objectives (only) are used.


Finally, users of Zeiss ICS-corrected objectives can now mate them to an InfiniTube system. InfiniTube-Z is identical in size and general construction to the Standard model, but has color-compatible correction for use exclusively with Zeiss ICS objectives.

InfiniTube Standard RA (Right Angle)

InfiniTube Standard RA offers all the capabilities of the regular InfiniTube Standard—but allows the camera—or the entire InfiniTube assembly to be mounted 90-degrees from the regular InfiniTube’s provided position.

Furthermore, an additional RA adapter can be put in the infinity beam so that a zigzag may be made at various extended lengths. Truly, the InfiniTube Standard RA offers incredible high-power machine vision capabilities.

InfiniTube Standard DP (Dual-Port)

InfiniTube Standard DP offers all the capabilities of the regular InfiniTube Standard—but splits the image to two C-mount cameras. Each port features independent Internal Focus Capability.

InfiniTube™ Standard equipped with Achrovid™ Objective and Coaxial Illuminator with LED Light
InfiniTube Standard
InfiniTube Standard with Iris Diaphragm
InfiniTube RA
InfiniTube Dual-Port

InfiniTube and Proximity are trademarks of Infinity Photo-Optical Company.